What is the A-G Piano Book Series

This is the A-G Piano Book Series - 4 books of fun music for piano students!  Over 3000 physical copies have been sold across the world, as well as hundreds of digital copies.  
It is filled to the brim with fun original student piano repertoire. It was written and published in 2021.  
The A-G Piano Book is a student piano repertoire and method book series with an emphasis on fun. The music draws from contemporary movie and video game music. The books are loaded with humour and beautiful art work. They also have worksheets and sections with technique and theory exercises. 

The Story

The A-G Piano Book Series was created by James Atin-Godden who had been teaching piano lessons for many years. Throughout that time, he grew to be disappointed with the current method books. He found them to be dated and not engaging for his piano students. He decided for fun to make a small book with 20 or so pieces with cool art that would appeal to his students. His students loved them. 
One day, a few years later, James made a Tiktok about the book, and found a giant chorus of teachers seeking copies. He decided that he quickly needed to expand the book into a series to meet this demand. Over the course of 2020 he wrote and sequenced hundreds of pieces and worksheets, with the help of his partner Aniqa Qadir. He hired Meredith Wolting, brilliant artist and set designer, to design them and do the art. Hundreds of hours later, the books were done and out on Amazon. Now they’re used by teachers and students worldwide!

How can I get it

The easiest place to get the books is on Amazon, follow the button below. They’re also available as Ebooks on Gumroad.  I’m currently working on a Shopify store to sell to schools and stores, and possibly sell individual copies to people even cheaper than Amazon.